Selasa, 30 Januari 2018


Formal Letter

Jln.Buntu No. 55  Depok
Telephone. 021-0212-0212

Number   : 907/january/2018             
Subject    : Request Meeting
Appendix : –
Mr. Bean
Marketing Manager
With respect,
Ceremony to celebrate the birthday of our company, through this letter we invite all managers PT. PETE to attend the preparatory meeting to be held on:
Day/Date : Monday / 12 FEBUARY 2018
Hours      : 9:00 to 16:00
Place       : Hotel Bumiwiyata
Since you are an organizer in this event, we hope that you will be able to come. Thank you for your attention.


chairman of the committee

Business Report

Business report, which is also known as a formal report, is a data compilation, a short account, or a plan, or even summarized minutes of a certain meeting. Such a business report is basically a way communicating logically summarized and formatted information to associates, superiors, or subordinates.

1. Title of Business Report
Title: Eco-Homes Project Initiative
Objective: Compile data and analysis for development for housing project Eco-Homes at location and address of the project.
Report by: Dr. Larry Marshall, CEO EcoVision Projects, Empire Construction and Infrastructure Group.
Key Contents: A Detailed plan, proposition, execution schedule and analysis of the project idea of an eco-friendly settlement put forth by Dr. Jason Smith, New Projects Department, Empire Construction and Infrastructure Group (mother company).
Reporting and Analysis Time: 1 month
Project Implementation Time: 17 months
Assumptions: The time frame and execution is framed, taking into consideration the seasonal elements of climate and other turnover ratios, experienced in the previous financial year.

2. Letter of transmittal
Attached, letter of transmittal, conveying the idea by Dr Smith, consisting of the core features of report.

3. Table of Contents
Summary and Synopsis of the Project
Discussion and Details

4. Summary and Synopsis
The Eco-Homes Project Initiative is an underway project which has been conceived by the Empire Group. The basic ideology of the initiative is eco-friendly living. The Empire group intends to build a mega residential complex which is spread over 35 acres of land, and house around about 150 households, which are self-sufficient in several ways. The complex thrives on the basis of inbuilt agricultural center, animal husbandry center, building gardens, fuel cell and bio-gas-propane generators of electricity, massive solar panels which provide heat to the homes and also electricity. The complex will span over the 35 acre premise and will consist of 3 core residential centers 15 solar panel driven green houses, 2 orchards, 5 gardens, 3 pastures and 3 animal husbandry centers cum dairies and a staff of 33 people.

5. Discussion and Details
Some common points, details and conclusions that were drawn in the meeting of project engineers, company architects, cost accountants and the CFA's go as follows.
The project will bring a substantial revenue if all 150 houses are sold off at a price of amount per house hold. The project will be a highly big commercial success as it is not just situated in the city but, once the customer buys the housing facility his usual bills that include, electricity and water bill will be cut down to half. The only con that is foreseen is that the sale value is huge.
There are 5 phases of the project, namely, the basic foundation phase, housing complex 1 phase, followed by 2 and 3, with the last phase being the development of all the support and infrastructure facility. It is estimated that every phase would go on for 3 months plus a backup of 2 months has been provided.
The sales for real estate would begin with the completion of housing complex 1, followed by complex 2 and 3. By the end of complex 3, the real estate market rates would have increased by 7.8%. This price escalation however is not included in any of the calculations.
The cost sheets showing cost projections for the project have been attached.
A 5 year maintenance, free of cost has been provided for the complex. An operation cost of about $500 per 2 months is to be paid by every household to keep the operations going.

6. Conclusion
The project team recommends that this project should be taken up and executed as fast as possible as the real estate market is and the eco-friendly products have been consistently showing positive rises in the past 5 years.

7. Recommendation
In order to reduce operational cost of $500 for every two months, which is incurred by the residents, the project team recommends more research and development. It a selling point that can be put forth to boost sales.

Financial Statement
Financial statements (or financial report) is a formal record of the financial activities and position of a business, person, or other entity.
Example :