Kamis, 17 November 2016


Depok, november 10, 2016
Job Application Things:

To The Designation.
Head Of Personalia/HRD
Pt. International
JL. Raya No. 007 

With respect,

In accordance with the job offer from PT. Internasional, as contained in the Kompas daily on October 28, 2016.
In connection with this, let me ask myself (applying for work) to join in the development plan of PT International.

About myself, I can explain as follows:
Name                           : Didik Nur Prasetyo
Place date &. Born      : 7 March 1996, Klaten
Final                            : accounting in harapan bangsa vocational high school
Address                       : JL. h. icang cimanggis, depok
Phone, HP                   : -, 087784293060
e-mail                          : didiknrp@gmail.com
Marital Status              : Unmarried.

I am currently a student in accounting, University of Gunadarma, I am glad to learn, and able to work independently as well as in the team well.

As consideration, I attach:

1. Life-History list.
2. copy of diploma
3. copy the certificate courses/training.
4. Fitting the latest photos.
Great expectations I was given the opportunity to interview, and be able to explainmore in depth about my self. As implied in the resume (curriculum vitae), I have theeducational background, experience the potential and a hard worker.

So I tell them. Thank you for the attention of Mr/Mrs.

Respect me,

Didik Nur Prasetyo